Friday, October 15, 2010

Mind Games

     "How could you!" exclaimed Anna with a furious tone in her voice.
     "What are trying to say Anna," proclaimed Ben. "what ever do you mean?"
     "Is it not obvious!," Anna boasted "how long has this been happening?"
With tears starting to dwell up in her eyes Ben had realised he had been figured out, he can't go on with his double life any longer. He knew he had to tell her the truth, and he knew it would break her heart.
     "I...I, I don't know how to say this Anna, I can't face the fact that what I'm about to tell you may beak your heart, it's only been for two months, I thought you would understand" mumbled Ben in a deep weary tone.
    " Understand! you think I would understand!, you had lied to me about this for too long. please Ben tell me the truth." cried Anna "tell me what's been happening, what drove you to do this?
    " It's nothing but me and a few guy's from work, I don't understand why you can spend a day at the spa, without me complaining but if I get a little guy time at a baseball game, it's the end of the world?" questioned Ben with great confusion.
He could see the furry in her eyes, he knew where he belonged tonight, and that was on the couch.
     "Look Ann, I'm really sorry but we all promised no wives, it's just you can't come."
    "But i like baseball too, why don't you ever take me to one, even with out the guy's. And besides if you had come to the spa with me you would just complain the whole time! you hate the spa! but I love baseball, remember our first date?"
By now the tears were really flowing down her face.
    "Remember how much fun we had cheering for our favorite team, and eating cracker jacks and hot dogs. We never do anything together anymore! when was the last time we went anywhere together?" remarked Anna  with a great disapproval in her eyes.
    "Look, if you wanna come to the next game I'm sure it will be fine, and we can even go for diner first if you would like?" asked Ben in a charming voice.
    "Ben, I shouldn't have to ask to come to these things, you should ask me!" stated Anna with a firm voice, "goodnight Ben."
As Ben made his way to the living room he mumbled "night" before curling next to their cat, sparkles  into a ball of worry, and confusion.