Sunday, November 28, 2010

To whom this may concern...

Dear college professor,

I don't need to write a college application, i have schools knocking on my door, but i feel it's not fair to the other students who are not as good as me. I'm the cat's meow, I'm the bee's knees, the top tomato, and yes, it did hurt when I fell from heaven. I can cook minute 30 seconds. You can see my charisma from space. Every love song was written for me, every song about a broken heart, was written about me.I climbed the highest peak of Mt.Everest; just for the view. I climbed the highest peak of Mt.Everest; just to make a snowball fort. I climbed the highest peak of Mt.Everest; to find Yeti, he was found, we drank tea together while disusing politics. The Harry Potter book series is based on a dream i had. The name is Mackenzie Hatfield, wear it out. In my spare time I dress as Batman and jump off buildings. I know every word in the English language. I rhyme words with orange, purple, and silver, not many can.  Man tracker is no match for me, I outwit him with my charm and scent alone.

      Accept  me for i am the greatest! Accept me, for your schools popularity will rise! Accept me, for your school will have the bragging rights of saying that I, Mackenzie Hatfield, study here.

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