Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Freshman Syndrome

     They emerge from the front door, not knowing what they are about to face. some are nervous, some are excited. They gather in the hallways, blocking them without any intention of moving. they enter into the world of relationships, falling in love like a fairy tale after only one week. They become inseparable, the thought of being apart tears at their souls. They cant imagine life without each other. They show their affection with a simple case of PDA; a public display of affection. They find this cute and sweet but unknowing that everybody else finds it repulsive and unnecessary. Until one day it all ends, this usually occurs after about a month. It's the end of the world. It's they first sense of real high school drama. However this is over after about a week once a heard of senior boys draw them in with their sense of style and charm. Grade nine girls are unaware of the risks of this as the senior boys tend to be "players". But this isn't all the grade nines do. They continuously text their best friend with the latest gossip and stories about the seniors doing what seems to be the unthinkable. high school is no place for a grade nine with their lack of maturity and understanding of the real world. They are drawn into popular pop music such as Justin Bieber, these girls are know as "beliebers". Taylor Swift writes her songs to adapt into every early teenage girls lifestyle, they can all relate to her sensual lyrics about brake ups and love. They get over these brake ups with some retail therapy at Cherry Lane Mall. Trips to Bootlegger to buy tight spandex shirts and overpriced jeans. Finally a stop at the body shop to buy the latest fruity fragrances to draw in a new batch of careless boys.

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