Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Freshman Syndrome

     They emerge from the front door, not knowing what they are about to face. some are nervous, some are excited. They gather in the hallways, blocking them without any intention of moving. they enter into the world of relationships, falling in love like a fairy tale after only one week. They become inseparable, the thought of being apart tears at their souls. They cant imagine life without each other. They show their affection with a simple case of PDA; a public display of affection. They find this cute and sweet but unknowing that everybody else finds it repulsive and unnecessary. Until one day it all ends, this usually occurs after about a month. It's the end of the world. It's they first sense of real high school drama. However this is over after about a week once a heard of senior boys draw them in with their sense of style and charm. Grade nine girls are unaware of the risks of this as the senior boys tend to be "players". But this isn't all the grade nines do. They continuously text their best friend with the latest gossip and stories about the seniors doing what seems to be the unthinkable. high school is no place for a grade nine with their lack of maturity and understanding of the real world. They are drawn into popular pop music such as Justin Bieber, these girls are know as "beliebers". Taylor Swift writes her songs to adapt into every early teenage girls lifestyle, they can all relate to her sensual lyrics about brake ups and love. They get over these brake ups with some retail therapy at Cherry Lane Mall. Trips to Bootlegger to buy tight spandex shirts and overpriced jeans. Finally a stop at the body shop to buy the latest fruity fragrances to draw in a new batch of careless boys.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

by Opeth

I hear the baying of the hounds
In the distance, I hear them devouring
Pest ridden jackals of the earth
Diabolical beasts and roaming the forests
In wait and constant protectors
Calling you to sit by his side
Your self loathing image in his flesh
A revelation upon which you linger

His words are flies
Swarming towards the true insects
Feasting on buried dreams
And spreading decay upon your skin
His eyes spew forth a darkness
That cut through and paralyze
Casts light upon your secrets
Forced to confront your enemies

His mouth is a vortex
Sucking you into it's pandemonium
Fools you with a helping hand of ashes
Reached out in false dismay
His body is a country
The cities lay dead and beyond despair
Friends turned enemies unable to come clean
In a rising fog of reeking death

Everything you believed is a lie
Everyone you loved is a death burden
So you take comfort in him
And you are receptive to stark wishes
No longer struggling to declare your stand
You would inflict no harm to others
They are unaware of you
And in a loop of futile events
You are everything, they are nothing

Drown in the deep mire
With past desires
Beneath the mire
Drown desire now with you

Lined up verses on dead skin
"The tainted lips of the stranger
Resting upon hers"

And I embrace bereavement
Everything beloved is shattered anyway
I would devote myself to anyone
I would accept any flaws

I am too weak to resist
Tension vibrating with horror
Finding the outcast in my eyes
Pushing nerves on a puppet
Endless poison in my veins
Clean intent now tainted with death

And so, cold touch now inhumane
Every waking hour
Awaiting a reverie to unfold
And now they are calling me
Louder by the minute
The baying of the hounds
Calling me back to my home

Opeths lyrics show many different types of poetic terms. The song "The Baying of the Hounds" is a very strong example of the songs use for dynamic use in poetic devices. it has many examples of metaphors which are also tied into parallel structure used in the lines. "His words are flies","His mouth is a vortex" and "His body is a country". personification is shown in the line "Calling you to sit by his side" because it is talking about regret and having the dogs symbolize that it is reversing the role of the dog and its master. The mood of this song has a dark Erie feel to it making the listener of the song or the reader of the lyrics get a sense of fright and darkness.


When he started to speak, his voice sounded horse and froggy, his breath: a mixture of cigarettes and scotch. I know what he was looking for, and he knew where to find it. A tumbleweed rolled across the horizon as the sound of his spurs rung through my earlobes as they shattered into broken glass. the screams of children could be heard throughout the town like surround sound speaker were hung on every corner. He aproched me like a timid dog. "Where's the goods?", he asked as the bartender poured him drink. "I...I have no idea what your talikng about sir" I said as he poured the drink down his throat as it was pure water. I was knew what he was talking about, it was hidden in my back pocket. The room had gone silent as if someone had just died, it was a quiet as a mouse and nobody said a word. "Three o'clock behind the general store" hissed out of his lips as he turned towards the cracking saloon doors. Everone had let off a sigh of releif as he vanished into the dust streets.

To whom this may concern...

Dear college professor,

I don't need to write a college application, i have schools knocking on my door, but i feel it's not fair to the other students who are not as good as me. I'm the cat's meow, I'm the bee's knees, the top tomato, and yes, it did hurt when I fell from heaven. I can cook minute 30 seconds. You can see my charisma from space. Every love song was written for me, every song about a broken heart, was written about me.I climbed the highest peak of Mt.Everest; just for the view. I climbed the highest peak of Mt.Everest; just to make a snowball fort. I climbed the highest peak of Mt.Everest; to find Yeti, he was found, we drank tea together while disusing politics. The Harry Potter book series is based on a dream i had. The name is Mackenzie Hatfield, wear it out. In my spare time I dress as Batman and jump off buildings. I know every word in the English language. I rhyme words with orange, purple, and silver, not many can.  Man tracker is no match for me, I outwit him with my charm and scent alone.

      Accept  me for i am the greatest! Accept me, for your schools popularity will rise! Accept me, for your school will have the bragging rights of saying that I, Mackenzie Hatfield, study here.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mind Games

     "How could you!" exclaimed Anna with a furious tone in her voice.
     "What are trying to say Anna," proclaimed Ben. "what ever do you mean?"
     "Is it not obvious!," Anna boasted "how long has this been happening?"
With tears starting to dwell up in her eyes Ben had realised he had been figured out, he can't go on with his double life any longer. He knew he had to tell her the truth, and he knew it would break her heart.
     "I...I, I don't know how to say this Anna, I can't face the fact that what I'm about to tell you may beak your heart, it's only been for two months, I thought you would understand" mumbled Ben in a deep weary tone.
    " Understand! you think I would understand!, you had lied to me about this for too long. please Ben tell me the truth." cried Anna "tell me what's been happening, what drove you to do this?
    " It's nothing but me and a few guy's from work, I don't understand why you can spend a day at the spa, without me complaining but if I get a little guy time at a baseball game, it's the end of the world?" questioned Ben with great confusion.
He could see the furry in her eyes, he knew where he belonged tonight, and that was on the couch.
     "Look Ann, I'm really sorry but we all promised no wives, it's just you can't come."
    "But i like baseball too, why don't you ever take me to one, even with out the guy's. And besides if you had come to the spa with me you would just complain the whole time! you hate the spa! but I love baseball, remember our first date?"
By now the tears were really flowing down her face.
    "Remember how much fun we had cheering for our favorite team, and eating cracker jacks and hot dogs. We never do anything together anymore! when was the last time we went anywhere together?" remarked Anna  with a great disapproval in her eyes.
    "Look, if you wanna come to the next game I'm sure it will be fine, and we can even go for diner first if you would like?" asked Ben in a charming voice.
    "Ben, I shouldn't have to ask to come to these things, you should ask me!" stated Anna with a firm voice, "goodnight Ben."
As Ben made his way to the living room he mumbled "night" before curling next to their cat, sparkles  into a ball of worry, and confusion.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Next Big Thing in Gotham City.

It's me Ms. Invisible the next big thing to hit Gotham city. Being invisible entitles me to many perks in life, such as free travel. Having the ability to get on a plane for free without even being seen and without going through the hassles of custom and security, just imagine traveling all over the world! I would go to secret place that the public is not allowed into such as secret areas of castles, palaces and museums. I could visit sites that have been closed off for many years, like the leaning tower of Pisa. Imagine climbing to the top and once you are there becoming visible again! What would people say? what would people do? I would team up with Batman and Robin to fight the evil joker, being able to be invisible the villains would have no idea I was there. Although Batman would be out of a job, I would rise to fame as the top superhero in the world! Nobody would know who I was in the ordinary world making it perfect for me to continue on with my day to day 16 year old lifestyle. But once evil strikes I would simply log into an application on my phone and vanish into the depths of the cruel, evil world we call earth. Once I become invisible I become imune to everything i become ghostly and I am able to move thorough objects and walls, making me the perct hero for anyjob!